JLect: Japonic Languages and Dialects Database | English-Japanese Dictionary
Welcome to the JLect Japonic Language and Dialect Database and Dictionary. Use the search bar above to look up a term in the various languages and dialects of Japan. From Okinawa, to Kansai, to Hokkaido: discover a world of words, meanings, and etymologies.
Word of the day
Marriage proposal, marriage offer, match; adoption proposal
Can you guess which region uses this word?
More than just an English-Japanese dictionary
Ojattamonse! Ever wondered what that charming Japanese woman was shouting at you when you entered her restaurant in the remote corners of the Kagoshima Prefecture? Ever tried watching a live performance from Kansai, but simply didn't get the humour?
JLect makes learning Japanese and learning Japanese dialects easy! This dictionary bridges the gap between standard Japanese and the many Japonic languages and dialects throughout Japan, so that you can keep up with what people are saying throughout your travels. Interested in an online Okinawan dictionary or a Japanese slang dictionary? We're working on it! Found something not listed? Send in your suggestions!
How to use it
- Search in English, Japanese or Rōmaji! You can even enter dialectal words!
- Refine your search by selecting a region. Click on "Kansai" for Kansai-related words, or be more specific by selecting a sublocality, like "Osaka".
- Click on the 「字」 icon to draw a character!
- After you click "Search", you can obtain more information on a word by clicking on its entry. Where applicable, this includes examples, etymology, variants, notes and more!
- New words and features are constantly added, so stay tuned!