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🌏 Region(s): Honshu (Standard)



Pronunciation: /saja/



  1. Scabbard; sheath
    1. さやをはらうを払う】
      saya o harau
      "to draw a sword [from its scabbard]", "to unsheathe a sword"
    2. ゆみはふくろにたちはさや【弓は袋に太刀は
      yumi wa fukuro ni tachi wa saya
      "bows [returned] to their bags and swords, to their sheaths" (an expression about peace)
  2. A protective cover for the tip of a pen or brush. Pen cap; brush cover.
    1. ふでのさや【筆の
      fude no saya
      "brush cover"
  3. (Finance) Difference between a cost or market price and a selling price. Margin; profit margin; commission.
    1. さやをとるを取る】
      saya o toru
      "to charge a commission", "to receive a commission"
  4. (Rare) A protective cover used for storing a flute, especially a transverse flute (such as a Komabue). Flute cover; flute holster; flute pouch.
  5. (Archaism) Vagina
  6. (Obsolete, Edo period) The space between the outer and inner latticed walls of an Edo-era prison where prisoners were bathed and changed.
  7. (Obsolete) Eyelid
    1. めのさや【目
      me no saya
    2. めのさやをはずす【目のを外す】
      me no saya o hazusu
      "To keep one's eyes peeled", "Look carefully", "Be on guard"


Cognate with Tokunoshima (Asama) せィー sïï; Okinawan (Ie) すぃー sii; Okinawan (Nakijin, Shuri) and Yaeyama (Hatoma) しー shii; Miyako (Minna) せー see; Miyako (Tarama) しぇー shee; Okinawan, Miyako (Ikema, Minna) and Yonaguni さや saya; and standard Japanese さや【鞘】 saya "scabbard, sheath". Also cognate with standard Japanese さや【莢】 saya "(bean) pod".


  • Zachary Read (2024) reconstructs *saja "scabbard, sheath" for Proto-Japonic.
  • Yosuke Igarashi (2022) reconstructs *saja 2.4b "sheath" for Proto-Ryukyuan.

Historical attestations:

  • 万葉集 Man'yōshū (759) [MYS.4.685], [MYS.7.1272] and [MYS.13.3240] record 鞘 saya, glossed as "scabbard".
  • Dictionarivm latino lvsitanicvm, ac Iaponicvm (1595) records "Bainha da espada, &c. Iap. Saya" as well as "Vagina. x. Lus. Bainha. Iap. Saya".
  • Vocabulario da Lingoa de Iapam (1603), aka Nippo Jisho (日葡辞書), records several instances of -zaya in compounds, including "Samezaya. Bainha cuberta de pelle de lixa", meaning "Sheath covered in dogfish shark skin".
  • Vocabulary of the Japanese Language (1795), by Carl Peter Thunberg, records "Scabbard, saja".
  • An English and Japanese and Japanese and English Vocabulary (1830), by Walter Henry Medhurst, records "Sheath, Saya, サヤ" and "サヤ, Saya, A sheath".
  • A Japanese and English Dictionary: With an English and Japanese Index (1867), by James Curtis Hepburn, records "Saya. サヤ, 鞘, n. A sheath, case, scabbard, husk. Mame no —, a bean pod. Fude no —, the bamboo case which covers the end of a pencil, a pencil case."


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