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🌏 Region(s): Honshu (Standard)




  1. Attached to the Mizenkei (-a) form of a verb, the ending ~ず -zu is used to negate a verb and imply that the action or state is ongoing. Its usage is commonly translated as "without" or "while not".
    1. おもわ【思わ
      "(I was) not thinking (when)", "(I) unintentionally", "(I) ~ without thinking", "Without thinking..."
    2. あめにもまけ【雨ニモマケ
      ame ni mo makezu
      "While not succumbing to the rain", "Without giving in to the rain"
      (Famous poem title by Kenji Miyazawa)
  2. When compounded with the particle に -ni and followed by another verb or phrase, it implies the notion of "without (doing)" or "while not (doing)".
  3. When compounded alone with に -ni, it may be used to indicate prohibition.
  4. In the construction ~ずにはいられない ~zu ni wa irarenai or ~ずにいられない ~zu ni irarenai, it means "to be unable to help but (do something)", "cannot help (but) ~", "can't help but ~".
    1. にはいられない
      sezu ni wa irarenai
      "cannot help but do (it)"


More common in older texts, the ending ず -zu can be likened to the modern negative ending ない -nai, while ずに -zu ni (-zuni) is comparable to the form ないで -naide, with some overlap of the form なくて -nakute. Today, both ず -zu and ずに -zu ni distinguish themselves from -nai and -naide by more prominently emphasizing the meaning of "without".


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